Big Gay Blog

Vocabulary Fun

I ran across these terms while doing some research, so I decided to put them on here as a prelude to what I will write about next. 🙂 I am not going to list all the terms because there are A LOT of them. (even omitting some there are still a bunch!)  I just picked and chose some basic ones that I thought would be good for general knowledge.(I actually learned some stuff it was great!)


One who is / the quality of simultaneously exhibiting masculine and feminine characteristics. 2.


One who switches between masculine and feminine gender roles from time to time.


The oppression or mistreatment of Bisexuals, especially by lesbians and gay men. (See homophobia.)


One who has significant sexual and romantic attractions to members of both the same and the other sex, or who identify as members of the bisexual community. Derogatory terms include the same terms as are applied to lesbians and gay men. Derogatory terms from lesbians, gay men, and some heterosexuals: fence sitter, AC/DC, double-gaited, confused.

Come out

1) To disclose one’s own sexual identity to another. [I came out to my mother over Thanksgiving vacation.] 2) To discover that one’s own sexual identity is different than previously assumed. [I came out to myself three months ago.] 3) To deal with one’s own and others’ reactions to the discovery or revelation of one’s sexual identity. 4) (– for) To disclose another’s sexual identity with their permission or at their request. [I asked my mother to come out to my grandparents for me.] (See out.) 4) Sometimes applied to disclosure of other information than one’s sexual identity.

Cross Dresser (CD)

One (regardless of the motivation) who wears clothes, makeup, etc. which are considered (by the culture) appropriate for the other sex but not one’s own.

Drag (In Drag)

1) Clothes, often unusual or dramatic, especially those considered appropriate to the other sex. 2) Can be applied to any recognizable “look.” [_(to a man in a suite)_: I see you are in corporate drag today.] 3) _In drag_: Wearing clothes of the opposite sex. [I went to the halloween party in drag.]

Drag Queen

A M->F transvestite who employs dramatic clothes, makeup,and mannerisms, often for other people’s appreciation.


Reclaimed derogatory slang. Refers to Lesbians, or to Lesbians and Bisexual women.

Gay (man/male) (community)

One who has significant sexual and romantic attractions primarily to members of the same sex (as oneself), or who identifies as a member of the gay community. Sometimes refers only to gay males, sometimes only to gay males and lesbians. Although some people use the term gay (commmunity) to refer to all sexual minorities (or the sexual minority community), Lesbians and Bisexuals often do not feel included by it. Derogatory slang includes: queer, faggot, swish.

Gender (identity)

A psychological gender role. Masculine or feminine.

Gender (identity) community

People who identify as transvestite, transsexual, or transgendered, or as members of the gender community. Members of the gender community do not necessarily identify as members of the sexual minority community. (See transgender community.)

Gender dysphoria (GD)

Unhappiness or discomfort experienced by one whose sexual organs do not match one’s gender identity.

Gender neutral

Clothing, behaviors, thoughts, feelings, relationships, etc. which are considered appropriate for members of both sexes.

Gender role

Arbitrary rules, assigned by society, that define what clothing, behaviors, thoughts, feelings, relationships, etc. are considered appropriate and inappropriate for members of each sex. Some clothing, behaviors, etc. are considered appropriate for members of both sexes. Which things are considered masculine, feminine, or neutral varies according to location, class, occasion, and numerous other factors. (See masculine, feminine, and gender neutral.)


One who has both a penis and a vagina.

Heterosexual (het)

One who has significant sexual and romantic attractions primarily to members of the other sex (than oneself.) Derogatory terms include: breeder. (See straight.)


The assumption that identifying as heterosexual and having sexual and romantic attractions only to members of the other sex (than oneself) is good and acceptable, and that other sexual identities and attractions are bad and unacceptable. The assumption that anyone is straight whose sexual orientation is not known, usually coupled with a “blindness” to the existence and concerns of LesBiGays.


Originally, an irrational fear of sexual attraction to the same sex. Developed into a term for the oppression of Lesbians and Gay men, and later into a term for all aspects of the oppression of Lesbians, Gay men, and Bisexuals (sometimes does not include bisexuals.) This oppression ranges from not including LesBiGays in one’s circle of friends and media reports on and representations of society, through the cold shoulder, snide comments, verbal harrassment, assault, rape, and murder based on the target person’s (perceived) sexual identity. (See also Biphobia.)


One who is afraid of or oppresses people because one (perceives them to) have sexual and romantic attractions to members of the same sex.


Formal or clinical term for gay, usually meaning gay male, sometimes meaning LesGay, and occasionally meaning LesBiGay. Homosexual and homosexuality are often associated with the proposition that same gender attractions are a mental disorder (homophilia), and are therefore distasteful to some people.


How one thinks of oneself. One’s internal self, as opposed to what others observe or think about one. (See Label.)


How someone else sees or thinks of one. (See identity.)


A woman who has significant sexual and romantic attractions to members of the same sex, or who identifies as a member of the lesbian community. Bisexual women often do not feel included by this term. Derogatory slang: dyke, lesbo.

Out (someone)

1) To disclose a second person’s sexual identity to a third person, especially without the second person’s permission. 2) To disclose one’s own sexual identity, sometimes without choosing to do so. [I outed myself by leaving a political letter on my desk, which my boss saw when he was looking for me.] (See come out.)


1) Reclaimed derogatory slang for the sexual minority community (eg. Queer Nation.) Not accepted by all the sexual minority community, especially older members. 2. Sometimes used for an even wider spectrum of marginalized or radicalized groups and individuals.

Same sex/gender

The same sex or gender as the reference person’s own. [He has a same sex partner (as his own sex).] [Are you currently in a relationship with a member of the same sex (as yourself)?]

Sexual identity

How one thinks of oneself, in terms of being significantly attracted to members of the same or the other sex. Based on one’s internal experience, as opposed to which gender one’s actual sexual partners belong to. (See sexual orientation/preference.)

Sexual identity/minority community

The community of people who have significant sexual and romantic attractions to members of the same sex, or who identify as a member of the sexual minority community. A formal term which includes LesBiGays and sometimes members of the gender community. Members of the sexual minority community usually do not identify as members of the gender community.

Sexual orientation/preference

How one thinks of her/himself, in terms of being significantly attracted to members the same or the other sex. Sexual orientation emphasizes that some people feel that one has no control or influence over the development of one’s sexual and romantic attractions or one’s sexual orientation. Sexual preference emphasizes that some people feel that one does or should have some control or influence over the development of one’s sexual and romantic attractions or sexual one’s orientation.


Colloquial for heterosexual. Because straight has connotations of “unadulterated,” “pure,” and “honest,” some members of the sexual identity community object to the implication that one who is not straight is “bent,” “adulterated,” “impure,” or “dishonest.” Straight has connotations of “narrow,” “straight-laced” or “conservative,” and some heterosexual-identified people object find it distasteful.

Transgendered (TG)

One who switches gender roles, whether just once, or many times at will. Inclusive term for transsexuals and transvestites.

Transsexual (TS)

One who switches physical sexes (usually just once, but there are exceptions.) Primary sex change is accomplished by surgery. (See SRS.) Hormone therapy, electrolysis, additional surgery, and other treatments can change secondary sex characteristics. (See Pre-op TS.)

Transvestite (TV)

One who mainly cross dresses for pleasure in the appearance and sensation. The pleasure may not be directly erotic. It may be empowering, rebellious, or something else. May feel comfortable in a focused transgender role while cross dressed. May occasionally experience gender dysphoria.

Note: Also here is the page if you want to check it out more for yourself.  I feel terrible that I could not cite this properly but it is a college based website and I am going to try to be able to sign on for future information. 🙂

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  1. * Big Gay Blog says:

    Thank you! I really appreciate that. He was uh, quite a character. In a way I thought it was really funny, sad but funny.

    | Reply Posted 14 years, 2 months ago
  2. * Sheldon says:

    I saw your comment over at Smash Mouth Politics. Those guys are some brain stems over there, so don’t let them get to you. What absurdity “normal=moral”

    Have a nice day.

    | Reply Posted 14 years, 2 months ago

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